Application for Membership 2024/2025

Application for Membership 2024/2025

I/We apply for Membership:

Membership type Fees
New Member Joining Fee £10.00
Single (Over 18): £50.00
Family: £90.00
Over 60's: £40.00
Junior: £30.00
Do you wish to be contacted by other players in the club?
Are you willing to be contacted via email to join the tennis club court booking app?
Payment: BACS: a/c: Old Bradwell Tennis Club. No. 19009460. Sort Code: 30-63-97

Note: When paying by BACS, please return completed Membership form to C. Clarke, advising date payment made and amount, and use the reference Name/Tennis subs. Fees are due each year before the start of the Season.

Please print, return form and confirm payment to: C. Clarke, 1 Vicarage Gardens, Bradwell Village, Milton Keynes, MK13 9AY

cathy_j_green@hotmail.comMobile: 07714 598126