
Old Bradwell Tennis Club (OBTC) has two excellent hard courts and is fully affilliated with the Old Bradwell Sports & Social Club. We are located adjacent to the Bowls Club and opposite the cricket and football pitches. With truly low membership fees, OBTC enjoys a local facility for the opportunity for full family involvement in Sports and Social activities.

As affiliated Members of the Social Club you are entitled to use the bar (subsidised) and club facilities (TV – Sky & BT Sports, Pool, Darts). You may also wish to become involved in the sporting side of the Social Club – football and cricket teams both Junior and Senior.

We are, and will continue to be, the lowest cost place to play tennis in Milton Keynes. One fee covers your tennis for a whole year, as many times as you like. You can book one of our courts via our app, and arrange games with other members by chatting on our Whatsapp group.

We particularly welcome new members of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. You will be especially welcome if you are an older person or a junior.

If you are interested in joining the Tennis club, contact Cathy Clarke on 07714 598126 Email: cathy_j_green@hotmail.com.

Our new membership year starts on the 1st of June.
Call us on 07714 598126 or visit bradwelltennisclub.co.uk to sign up for membership.

Annual fees:

Membership TypeFees
New Member Joining Fee:£10.00
Single (over 18):£50.00
Over 60’s:£40.00

Fees include membership of Old Bradwell Sports and Social Club

Thanks to our sponsors

Application for Membership 2024/2025

Application for Membership 2024/2025

I/We apply for Membership:

Membership type Fees
New Member Joining Fee £10.00
Single (Over 18): £50.00
Family: £90.00
Over 60's: £40.00
Junior: £30.00
Do you wish to be contacted by other players in the club?
Are you willing to be contacted via email to join the tennis club court booking app?
Payment: BACS: a/c: Old Bradwell Tennis Club. No. 19009460. Sort Code: 30-63-97

Note: When paying by BACS, please return completed Membership form to C. Clarke, advising date payment made and amount, and use the reference Name/Tennis subs. Fees are due each year before the start of the Season.

Please print, return form and confirm payment to: C. Clarke, 1 Vicarage Gardens, Bradwell Village, Milton Keynes, MK13 9AY

cathy_j_green@hotmail.comMobile: 07714 598126


Club Rules

  1. Racquet tags should always be on your tennis racquet, so that it is immediately obvious that you are a current member.
  2. Appropriate tennis clothing and sports shoes should be worn.
  3. Guest fees of £1 per hour should be paid to the Secretary, Cathy Clarke, 1 Vicarage Gardens, Bradwell Village, MK13 9AY.

BACS:a/c Old Bradwell Tennis Club. Account No. 19009460 Sort Code 30-63-97

Guests are restricted to THREE visits and they should take up membership if they wish to continue playing.

4. Tennis Balls going onto the Bowling Green should not be retrieved by trying to climb fences. Lost balls will be returned to the Committee, who will then return them to the owner.

5. Be considerate to other players at busy times. Courts should be handed over to those waiting members at the end of a set being played. Singles players should consider making a doubles game.

6. No other sports to be played or cycling permitted on Courts.

7. Please report any damage or acts of vandalism to Committee Members; to assist in maintaining Courts.

8. Maintain clean Courts by taking litter home.

9. Secure the gate padlock when you leave.

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